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Thank you for deciding to purchase from my website.

I'm really excited that you've decided to join the stick insect community and create a stick insect habitat. I am sure you're going to find this journey very exciting and I welcome you.


  • Shipping

    The insect packs are shipped via Express Post straight to your door. We ship on the next business day after the order is received, but avoid weekend shipping to reduce transit time.

  • Delivery Date

    The shipment should be delivered two days after ordering, and will arrive via Express Post. If you order on a Thursday or Friday, we wont ship until Monday to avoid the weekend delay.

  • Packaging

    Our stick insects are comfortably packaged in an enclosure with breathing holes and gum leaves. The enclosure is secured to keep the insect(s) safe on their journey.

Specific Requirements For WA and TAS

Western Australia Permit Requirements

If you are wishing to purchase a stick insect and you are from Western Australia and do not have a permit, you legally are required to have one.

To be able to send you your stick insect package, I will require that you email a copy of the approved permit to before the order can be dispatched.

The application form for the permit can be accessed here:

Tasmanian Special Authority Requirements

If you are from  Tasmania you will require a special authority to import live animals into the state. Details about the requirement can be found on the following page: