
About Me

Hi I'm Jude, and I have been an avid stick insect lover since the age of 7.

My first encounter with a stick insect was at my cousins house where she showed me her Phasmatidae.

I was intrigued instantly and that led me to purchase my own. I had my own insects for 2 years and then moved onto Spiny Leaf Insects which I have now owned for 6 years.

I have created this website because I want to sell stick insects so other people of all ages can experience what it's like to own a stick insect just like I have experienced.

I also strongly believe that it's ok to try out new pets instead of sticking with the generic cat or dog.

I hope you find this website welcoming and informative, and I hope that you may even become convinced to consider joining the community of stick insect lovers.

To your success,
